“Think positive, forget the negative!” That’s the general mantra and long-accepted truth in most circles when the goal is to achieve some form of positive change in one’s life. Being positive is considered a required “norm,” in such matters, but in Genome Healing, we are encouraged to take a walk on the negative side. It is done so that “a Greater Norm” may be achieved.
Before you jump to any conclusions, the exercise is not about being, or even remembering negative experiences. Instead it involves becoming aware of the emotions that the experience may have engendered. They can be associated with any form of trauma, shock, or disruptive event in your life; e.g., the time of birth, being robbed at gunpoint, the loss of a job or the breakup of a marriage through divorce. Such events can have a profound effect on one’s sense of self-confidence, self-reliance, and self-esteem, all of which tend to slide lower on the immeasurable scale as a result.
Taking active, conscious steps to acknowledge the feelings of despair, disillusionment, or futility just prior to restoring the Blueprint of Optimal Functioning can result in an immediate and noticeable shift to the positive side in one’s perceptions and beliefs. While medicine pushers may scoff at the notion of an inner consciousness that can be consulted about the psychological state of the inner self, the palpable shift in overall feelings after such acknowledgement can be even more meaningful because the negative imprints and feelings were brought freshly to mind, and ties to them consciously severed, just prior to the Restoration.
Carol Roberts comments on this element of Genome Healing in the following brief clip from our U.S. workshop.